Project 365 Photography

Day 85 Justin Senior Year


Justin and I went out and shot some more location photos. It is hard to believe Justin is wrapping up his senior year. It seems like only yesterday we were taking pictures of his first day of kindergarten. The years have flown by and our little guy has grown into a man. We are very proud of you Justin. Keep up the good work!


Day 84 – 50th Wedding Anniversary

Ed and Karen 50th Anniversary

Today we helped Ed and Karen celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Friends and family gathered around them to offer support and congratulations. This is becoming rare these days, many married couples end their marriage, instead of working through the tough times together, they often part ways. Ed and Karen, we all salute you and thank you for being a shining example of how married couples can work together, and with the help and love of God, grow together.