Food Project 365 Photography

Day 255 – What’s for Dinner?

I know many of you fellow men are like me… at least I think you may be. You get hungry and amble out to the kitchen, open the refrigerator door and just stare for a while, trying to figure out what to have for dinner. If you are like me, you don’t see anything that looks good, even though the refrigerator is full of choices, so you close the door and walk away. After awhile, hunger gets the best of you, and you head back out to search the refrigerator once again, as if maybe, somehow, some new food made it’s way into the refrigerator… and you stand there with the door open, like I do, gazing and hoping for something to jump out at you. Usually my wife will snap me out of my trance and make a suggestion, and then it’s like, “yea, why didn’t I think of that?” I think the problem arises when there are too many choices. Back when I was a single guy, I never had that problem. I would open the refrigerator and grab a beer and some leftover pizza. There weren’t a lot of choices to make, just pizza, beer, or out dated milk. Now that I’m supposed to eat healthier, I have more choices, and it takes longer to prepare the food, and… I just wish I could have pizza and a beer again. Life has become so complicated. 🙂
I shot this picture of my fully stocked refrigerator using my iPhone 4S and then processed it in Dynamic light on the Urban Art setting.