Project 365 Photography

Day 136 – SPAD XIII

20120515-212610.jpgOn the road again… Yep, just like that old Willie Nelson song I am on the road again. This time it’s Phoenix, Arizona. This is a picture of a restored SPAD XIII World War I fighter plane in Sky Harbor airport. This plane is displayed right over the escalator that you take down to baggage claim and ground transportation, so you actually take the escalator right under the plane. I’ve flown into this airport quite a few times before but I’ve never really stopped to take notice of the surroundings. This 365 blog has caused me to take a closer look at my surroundings and take a moment to compose and capture those surroundings with my camera; even if it’s my iPhone 4S camera. Like the old saying goes, “sometimes you have to stop and smell the roses along the way.” Or in this case, stop and shoot the plane.

Project 365 Photography

Day 135 – Apples and Bananas

Apples and bananas are the snacks I am supposed to reach for instead of those other sugary sweet and tasty treats like; cookies, ice cream, brownies, pies, and cake. I do like apples and bananas, and I know they are better for my health than the sugary sweet stuff, but it is difficult for me to give up those tasty treats. Vicki is a tremendous baker and that makes it even more of a challenge. So, if you have any healthy dessert alternatives that are low in sugar and carbs, please share them. We will all live a healthier life. 🙂

Project 365 Photography

Day 134 – Chrysanthemum

On Mother’s Day the logical choice for flowers, at least if you choose the species by name, should be Chrysanthemum. Mums for moms could be the catch phrase for all the Chrysanthemum growers out there. This one is for all the Moms out there. Happy Mother’s Day!

Project 365 Photography

Day 133 – Prom

Tonight was another of those momentous occasions that make you feel a little old, as a parent anyway. Prom night and Justin, our youngest, is at his Senior Prom with his girlfriend Katie. It wasn’t too long ago that our little boy would ask if he could sit on my lap while I “moved” the lawn. Seems like yesterday he was lining up all of his Hotwheels cars in nice straight rows, and now he is driving his date to the prom. Where does the time go… don’t blink your eyes or you may miss a couple of years. Here are Justin and Katie, dressed for the evenings’ festivities. They both look so nice and Justin did a fine job of matching his tie and vest to Katie’s pretty blue dress.
While we were visiting and taking pictures at katies’ house, Vicki noticed the beautiful wine colored Columbine flowers. I just had to get a picture. I love the color of these blossoms.DSC_2889.jpg

Project 365 Photography

Day 132 – Vanity Plates

I love my F-150. This is the first pickup truck I’ve owned and I really enjoy driving it, and when I go to the hardware or lumber store, it really comes in handy. The other first for me is a vanity license plate. I have already taken some ribbing from strangers. This evening a guy asked me if I get mugged a lot. When I asked him why he said, “your license plate says you’re a Rich man.” I told him, “my name is Rich, and I may never be wealthy, but I’ll always be Rich.” He smiled and said, “I like that”.

Project 365 Photography

Day 131 – Autumn Olive

The Autumn Olive is in full bloom. The fragrance of the blossoms fills the air. When I see an Autumn Olive, it reminds me of an earlier time. We lived in an old farmhouse and decided to plant 100 Autumn Olive trees we purchased from the county. Our lab puppy Sheba, was keeping me company while I was planting the trees. One by one, I would push the spade into the earth to open a crevice to plant each little sapling. I was happy to be nearing the end of my planting task, there were about five more to plant, when I looked back to survey my progress. Much to my dismay, Sheba had pulled up each of the baby trees, just as quick as I had planted them. All the little trees I had planted lay strewn about the yard and Sheba was standing there wagging her tail, waiting for me to plant the next tree.

Project 365 Photography

Day 130 – The Grand River


Attending a business meeting in Grand Rapids, Michigan on the banks of the Grand River. The buildings sparkle in the sunlight as the river flows by. From Wikipedia, “The Grand River is the longest river in the U.S. state of Michigan. It runs 252 miles (406 km)[2] through the cities of Jackson, Eaton Rapids, Lansing, Grand Rapids, and Grand Haven.


The city lights create beautiful reflections on the river. Photos taken with iPhone 4S.

Project 365 Photography

Day 129 – Grand Rapids


A beautiful sunny day in Grand Rapids, MI today. The Gerald Ford Museum is right across the street from the Holiday Inn.

Project 365 Photography

Day 128 – Hosta

The Hostas after an all day rain. I like the way the rain drops glisten on the hosta leaves.

Project 365 Photography

Day 127 – Robin’s Nest

This robin’s nest is outside the Schmitt Dental Lab. The robin built this nest right outside the entrance door to the lab. I wasn’t able to get a shot of the robin, only the nest.

Project 365 Photography

Day 126 – Iris

The Iris is blooming. Most of our Iris flowers are purple. I like the way it looks as a black and white photo.

Project 365 Photography

Day 125 – The BPAC Stage

We affectionately call it the BPAC. The full name is the Bronner Performing Arts Center. Frankenmuth High is the home of the BPAC, where the high school students perform. Tonight we attended the Spring Concert, this is Justin’s last performance at the BPAC. It didn’t really hit me until I was there listening to the choirs perform, that this would be the last time we would attend a performance, with a Lewis at the BPAC. It kind of makes me feel old. It wasn’t too long ago we were attending a Venner performance during Amanda’s freshman year. Now, seven years later we say so long to Justin’s high school performances. I thought the empty stage was a telling photo that conveyed my feelings. The last Lewis has left the BPAC… and we begin a new chapter.

Project 365 Photography

Day 124 – Stormy Skies

I love a good thunderstorm, especially when I’m going to sleep. The sound of the rain pounding against the house mixed with the flashes of lightning and the thunder claps add drama to an otherwise quiet evening. Once the storm dies down, the gentle rain provides a very relaxing back drop for a nice, relaxing, deep sleep.

Project 365 Photography

Day – 123 unusual

In search of the unusual, what’s more unusual than a hippie van decorated like that? This is actually called the unusual junction.

The unusual junction is located just east of Cohocton Ohio.

Project 365 Photography

Day 122 – Hallway Tunnel Vision

This is a photo of the hallway in the Springhill Suites. I like the tunnel effect the wide angle gives. It makes the hallway look like a very long tunnel, with light at the end of it. I processed as black and white in Photoshop and added a grunge frame. I like the dramatic feel the black and white processing brings out.